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Probate & Estate Administration

At Cloppert, Latanick, Sauter & Washburn, our Columbus, Ohio, probate law attorneys are  experienced in protecting people like you through detailed estate planning and probate administration. We understand the importance of protecting family assets and intentions. That is why we are committed to ensuring that our clients’ wishes and intentions are fulfilled.


The Importance of Wills and Trusts


If you have a will, you have peace of mind knowing that your interests have been protected. You have the ability to name and assign powers and duties to an executor. You can name and appoint guardians for your minor children, and you can control the distribution and management of your property. You can provide your loved ones with answers to very difficult questions.


A living will or durable power of attorney for health care allows you to plan in the event that you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself. You can choose a representative to make medical decisions on your behalf in certain circumstances.


A trust provides even more control than does a legal will over exactly when and how assets are distributed. Choosing the best arrangement for your estate is one of the most important decisions you will face.


If you need an estate planning or probate administration lawyer, contact the experienced Columbus, Ohio, probate law attorneys at Cloppert, Latanick, Sauter & Washburn for an initial case consultation.

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